
What You Need To Know About Food Deserts

Aug 14, 2015

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What You Need To Know About Food Deserts

Thousand Oaks Food Desert

Did you know we are in a food desert? The Thousand Oaks area is in the middle of a food desert, which makes it much more difficult for the residents to get the healthy food necessary to get the nutrition they need.

A food desert is any area that has very few grocery stores, leading to fewer grocery options for the residents. Those residents who work throughout the day are not able to commute to these spread out grocery store options, or do not have the option to access the stores with public transportation. One car families or seniors who do not drive are especially affected because the nearest grocery store may be miles away. Sometimes their only option for food is a mini-mart with an array of cheap empty calorie foods and little to no fresh fruits, dairy and meat. The combination of these issues leads to the residents eating cheap, unhealthy, fast foods since they do not have any other options.

Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank offers the services needed to make sure that the residents within the Thousand Oaks food desert have access to nutritious food options. The pantry offers a wide selection of perishable and non-perishable foods that are both filling, nutritious and provide a balanced diet.For more information about food deserts and how you can help those families in need,contactManna today.