
Hunger Never Takes a Holiday

Jun 08, 2016


Hunger Never Takes a Holiday

NEW Pantry Schedule: Effective July 5, 2016

Tuesday 10:00am-3:00pm

Thursday (new) 10:00am-4:00pm

Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm

It’s June, which means summer is here, and for millions of kids, summer break has finally come. As parents prepare for break many of them worry about how they will provide healthy meals for their children. Many  families face a one to two meal deficit during the summer months. Many food-insecure children rely on federal school meal programs to feed them breakfast and lunch throughout the school year. When the academic year ends, these households are left with a new financial burden. Summer nutrition programs are becoming increasingly successful in providing meals to children through summer enrichment programs. However, the need is still prevalent for families who may not be able to access these enrichment programs and are struggling to put food on their table. Schools and community groups should utilize this time to organize end-of-the- year food drives so places like Manna can be fully stocked to serve our families in need. Hunger never takes a holiday. Donate your foods and organize a food drive so families in our community can have a summer filled with fun and not hunger. Find out how to donate or start a food drive today by visiting our website at www.mannaconejo.org