City Council Candidate Jones

May 18, 2015

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Candidates for Thousand Oaks City Council Comment on Manna Each of the four candidates for the upcoming Thousand Oaks City Council special election were asked to comment on the past, present, and future role of Manna in our community.  Here's the response from Ed Jones who expressed his active supporter of what Manna is all about. "I’m not an expert on Manna, but I belong to two organizations which support it wholeheartedly – Emmanuel Presbyterian Church and the Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge.  My wife...

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Candidates for Thousand Oaks City Council Comment on Manna

May 13, 2015

Article Archives

We asked each of the four candidates for the upcoming Thousand Oaks City Council special election to be held on June 2nd to comment on the past, present, and future role of Manna in our community.  We're publishing their respective comments as received.  We very much appreciate Dan Roundtree's thoughtful response. "My wife Laurie and I organized a food and gift bag program for the homeless through the Los Angeles Mission years ago. We raised money, food and other products to be delivered during...

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The Candidates Forum at CLU

May 11, 2015

Article Archives

Manna board member, Holly Sacks, and executive director, Jennifer Schwabauer, spent a lively Saturday morning at the candidates forum at CLU. All four gentlemen bring something different and unique to the future of Thousand Oaks and anyone of them would be an asset to our city government. Thank you Rob McCoy, Dan Roundtree and Chaise Rasheed for your kind words in support of Manna, we are blessed to have you on our side.

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Don't Miss Out on the California Jazz and Wine Festival

May 04, 2015

Article Archives

California Jazz and Wine Festival Has Partnered With Manna The 4th Annual California Jazz and Wine Festival is just around the corner! All the fun and excitement of the event is happening on May 17th, and is sure to be one of the best events of the season. Manna has partnered with the event to help you save money on the ticket price, while also raising funds that will be used to stock the food pantry for those in need in the community. To receive the 10% discount on the tickets, simply enter the...

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We Are Grateful for Our Corporate Relationships!

Apr 24, 2015

Article Archives

Corporate Relationships At Manna, we love all of our volunteers and are extremely grateful for all of the help that they provide. More and more corporate teams are helping by volunteering their time at Manna. We value all of our close relationships, especially our corporate relationships. In recent months, Target’s management team, as well as many of their employees have come out to help. Teams from Bank of America have volunteered many hours at Manna, helping with tasks that need to be done every...

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