
Sign Up For a Recurring Gift With Manna!

Apr 16, 2015

Article Archives

Sign Up For a Recurring Gift With Manna!
Recurring Gift You can now make a recurring gift to Manna! Signing up to donate a recurring gift to a family in need is fast and easy, and will help to make a difference in the life of a local neighbor each month. Showing your support for Manna and the community has never been easier, and you can feel good knowing that you are making a difference each month. So how does a recurring gift work? It’s as simple as 1-2-3!
  1. Set up your gift the first time,  check the recurring gift box, and your credit card will automatically be billed each month.
  2. Choose the amount that you want to donate, and there is no minimum or maximum, so it is completely up to you!
  3. Decide how long you want your recurring gift to continue for.
For each gift that you give, you will receive a thank you letter and a tax receipt. If you do not want to receive a tax receipt, simply email us and let us know. You have the option to adjust your donation at any time through PayPal. Your donation is completely flexible and secure, and while your gift is still active, you will be kept up to date with what is going on at Manna. For more information, feel free to contact Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank in Thousand Oaks, California at (805) 497-4959. Manna has been the Conejo Valley’s “hometown” Food Pantry for 44 years. Every supporter can rest assure that what is given by the Conejo Valley, stays in the Conejo Valley to help local families and seniors who struggle with hunger. For more information about Manna and how you can help, please check out our website at www.mannaconejo.org or call us at (805) 497-4959.