
Scouting For Food Event Is Almost Here!

Feb 08, 2015

Article Archives

Scouting For Food Event Is Almost Here!
Do Not Miss The Annual Boy Scout’s “Scouting for Food” Event The annual “Scouting for Food” event is almost here! Our decades old partnership with the Boy Scout troops of the Conejo Valley allows the Scouting for Food event to be one of the biggest food drives that we take part in each year. Every February, Boy Scout troops from around the Conejo Valley distribute flyers and bags to homes in the area. On Saturday, the Scouts return to the homes to pick up bags that are full of non-perishable foods that help to stock Manna’s food pantry in Thousand Oaks. All the full bags are dropped off at a centralized location and are sorted by dozens of volunteers. All of the food that is collected from the drive is donated directly to Manna and is used in the food pantry in order to help feed the thousands of people in the local community that are suffering from hunger. This year’s event will be held on February 28th, with the drop off location at the East parking lot of The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. The “Scouting for Food” event concentrates on collecting non-perishable foods that families in the area can use to make a meal, as well as toiletry items. Some of the items that the Scout troops are looking for include canned meat, canned tuna, hamburger helper, mac & cheese, canned stew, canned pasta, canned chili, jelly and jams, peanut butter, canned corn, canned vegetables, canned fruit, oatmeal and cereal, boxed rice, canned soup, boxed pasta, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, and dish soap. Contact Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank for more information on how you can help those in need.