
Tuesdays at Manna

Mar 28, 2016


Tuesdays at Manna
Tuesday afternoons at Manna; a day when 5 retired senior volunteers come together to help  make our Conejo Valley community better. For many years John Spence (volunteer since 1995), Jerry Schneider (1999), Gail MacDonald (2000), Sharon Anderson (2007) and Spencer Resnick (2013) have been dedicated volunteers  working regularly on Tuesday afternoons  as client escorts and administrative staff for the Manna pantry. They have seen many changes at Manna during those years.  When John and Jerry first started as client escorts they used a paper grocery list to take clients through the pantry and Sharon remembers when the client records were in paper files.  Gail says the director’s office once stored food.  Many changes through the years have streamlined and improved the client experience.  They all agree that the "new" volunteers have no idea just how good we have it now! Additionally, they are proud to witness the evolution of support for Manna from so many Conejo Valley community groups. Spencer recognizes the importance of the broad base of support that Manna receives from churches, synagogues, Boy Scouts, Kiwanis, National Charity League and so many others. The volunteer experience at Manna has been a big part of all their lives in retirement.  This group enjoys the camaraderie of working together and helping Manna clients.  The opportunity to directly help people in our Conejo Valley community is one of the biggest reasons this group of retired seniors continues to volunteer at Manna. Adult volunteers like the Tuesday afternoon group are critical to helping Manna have a meaningful role in our community and reach our goal of "Neighbor Feeding Neighbor" on a daily basis.  We thank and honor them! To learn more about how you can make a difference in the community by volunteering at Manna visit our website www.mannaconejo.org.