Spread the Love With Our PB&J Campaign!

Feb 07, 2016

Article Archives

Get involved in our third annual PB&J campaign to help Spread the Love throughout the Conejo Valley! Did you know that the average kid eats about 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before graduating high school? PB&J is a great choice; peanuts contain over 30 nutrients! This lunchtime staple has long been a go-to for parents, but it's getting more expensive. In recent years, the price of peanut butter has increased by over 30 percent! Things like poor weather conditions and production...

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Eliminating Hunger Requires Perpetual Support

Feb 03, 2016

Article Archives

The holidays may be over, but the hunger is far from gone. For every $1 you donate each month to Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank, 5-pounds of food to a hungry friend or neighbor are provided. Recurring donations are so important to the food bank’s pantry as well. This enables supplies to stay stocked, refrigeration to be maintained, the truck to run, so those in need can continue to receive support. In order to battle hunger, perpetual support from locals is needed and always appreciated. Hitting...

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Don’t Let The New Year Begin With Hunger

Jan 27, 2016

Article Archives

Hunger is not just a problem during the holidays. Hunger is a 365-day a year problem. Hunger is relentless. It affects 1 in 6 people in America. 49 million Americans struggle to put food on the table each night. While many communities rally their support in the weeks before Christmas and during the winter months, many young and elderly people are grateful for food supplies. Unfortunately, this support dwindles as we enter the new year, with more people focused on going back to work and saving...

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