Fresh and Frozen Foods Bring Nutrition to the Table

Apr 20, 2016


Fill up on fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables! Fruits and vegetables are colorful, flavorful, and nutritious components of our diets and are often attractive and health-promoting when harvested at their peak maturity. Not everyone has a personal garden capable of supplying the recommended 5 – 13 daily servings year round. As certain fruits and vegetables are grown in other parts of the country, and the world, and then are shipped over, many companies opt to supply the public with frozen fruits...

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Share the Harvest

Apr 20, 2016


It’s garden time in the Conejo Valley!!! How fortunate we are to have a growing season that is almost year round. Manna is asking local gardeners and community gardens to plant extra vegetables and donate the harvest to our pantry. We encourage you to have dedicated “Share the Harvest” gardens to bring more fresh produce into the pantry, and into the kitchens of the people we serve. Based on the “Victory Gardens” of old, “Share the Harvest” can increase the amount of fresh produce we...

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Manna Takes One Step Closer to Moving

Apr 14, 2016


Many of you may have already read in local papers that Manna is in escrow on a property, at 95 Oakview Drive, to move us into a “new” and better facility. As with most projects of this type, it is a long, time consuming process, full of applications and permits and approvals by the City. But, we have just taken one giant step forward in our plans. In early April, Manna submitted applications for a Zone Change and a Special Use Permit to change the use of the property from a church to a Food Pantry. As...

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Pantry Operations Supported & Hungry are Fed with Grants

Apr 06, 2016


Thank you to all those that have helped, dedicated time, and donated! Manna Food Bank would like to thank Los Robles Hospital Volunteers Grant and Weingart Foundation Grant for being able to supply and re-stock our pantry for the hungry in our local community. The Los Robles Hospital funds are derived from their gift shop at the hospital. We have been fortunate enough to have had their aid and support for more than 10 years, and this donation is no different. The grant, totaling $5,000, has helped...

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Tuesdays at Manna

Mar 29, 2016


Tuesday afternoons at Manna; a day when 5 retired senior volunteers come together to help  make our Conejo Valley community better. For many years John Spence (volunteer since 1995), Jerry Schneider (1999), Gail MacDonald (2000), Sharon Anderson (2007) and Spencer Resnick (2013) have been dedicated volunteers  working regularly on Tuesday afternoons  as client escorts and administrative staff for the Manna pantry. They have seen many changes at Manna during those years.  When John and Jerry first...

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