September is Hunger Action Month

Aug 25, 2015


  (Thousand Oaks, CA., 8/25/2015) -- There are more than 15,000 food insecure households—including children, women, seniors and disabled persons—in the Greater Conejo Valley who do not get enough nutritious food to support a healthy life, be engaged in learning and encourage active living. Manna invites people to learn about hunger in our area during September’s nation-wide Hunger Action Month™. Hunger Action Month™ is a nation-wide intuitive designed to shine a light on hunger, which now...

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Birthday Parties Can Be A Gift to Others

Aug 21, 2015

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Birthday Donations Most kids spend months thinking about their birthday and what gifts they want to ask for. However, your kid’s birthday can be one of the best opportunities to teach them about giving back. Instead of telling your child to make a list of what gifts they want to ask for, sit down and talk to them about those people who are a little less fortunate than your family. Give them the option to ask everyone to donate to a charitable cause. There are tons of ways that you can give back...

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   Educators Agree: Students Are Heading Back To School Hungry

Aug 17, 2015

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Contact:  Jennifer Schwabauer Phone: 805-497-4959 Email: director@mannaconejo.org An alarming 3 in 4 teachers and principals report regularly seeing hungry kids in their schools, says a 2013 Share Our Strength report. These same teachers and principals are spending more of their own money to help hungry kids in their schools.  On average, teachers who buy food for hungry students spend $37 a month— that’s almost $400 per teacher per school year. Principals report spending about $60 a month, which...

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What You Need To Know About Food Deserts

Aug 14, 2015

Article Archives

Thousand Oaks Food Desert Did you know we are in a food desert? The Thousand Oaks area is in the middle of a food desert, which makes it much more difficult for the residents to get the healthy food necessary to get the nutrition they need. A food desert is any area that has very few grocery stores, leading to fewer grocery options for the residents. Those residents who work throughout the day are not able to commute to these spread out grocery store options, or do not have the option to access the...

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